Thursday, 1 March 2012

Character Creation Session 4: Friday 2nd March

Just a reminder that tonight is the last session for character creation. 6pm-10pm, Clubs and Socs Building, Room 2. If you want to make a character before the game begins, please turn up! I know some of you previously took your Character Creation Sheets home to work on them some more. Remember: Your character isn't finished until I've received it, so either turn up tonight or type it up and email it to me.

If you can't make it to Character Creation then you can try arranging another time, but to be honest I'm pretty busy at this point. The other option is to either download the rules and email me your character, or to play an NPC for the first night and make your character later.

Also, a quick reminder to those of you that have finished characters, please send me a brief background and a description of your character's appearance. I'm happy to fill in the gaps, but if you have a backstory in mind you should let me know.

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