Thursday, 29 March 2012

XP Clarifications

Just a short post this week, clarifying a few things that have come up in Downtimes.


Like anything else, Merit dots are bought one at a time. This means that even if you're buying a three-dot Merit, you have to pay for each dot individually - 2xp for the first dot, 4xp for the second and 6cp for the third, to a total of 12. This might seem like a pain, but it's the only way to keep the system consistent.

When you can spend XP

I add a summary of XP earned in each downtime reply, but you don't need to wait until then to spend it. As long as you know you've earned the XP, you can use it. So, you can use the XP you earned from Attendance and Costume at the last game, and if you get your downtime in on time you can even use the XP you earn for sending it in in that very same downtime.

Finally, a head's up...

I've decided to start confirming when I've received DTs. I just did this tonight, so if you haven't received a reply from me it means I haven't received your Downtime! I decided to do this because last time someone had thought they sent theirs in, but I didn't receive it. In the future, I'll be responding as soon as I see the email.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Pledges, Tokens and related miscellany

This really should have been put up earlier, but I've been pretty busy lately. Still, there's a few things I'd like to discuss before the next game.


One of the things I decided on a while before the first game was that I wasn't 100% happy with the current Pledge system. I'm using the alternative pledge-crafting rules from Rites of Spring because they cut out the boons (which is a big powergaming minefield, as interesting as it is) and because it cuts out the need to perfectly balance pledges, making them easier to create. However, the consequence it comes with is it uses Glamour costs to balance out the Pledges instead, and this can make them quite expensive. For instance, a standard Pledge of Fealty would require 9 Glamour.

If you're observant, you'll notice that's not how much you spent when you took the Pledge. That's because I was already using the rules changes that I wanted to make, I just hadn't actually posted them up. However, here they are, so you can now go about crafting pledges of your very own!

For the most part, the rules are the same as the current rules document. I'll update it with the correct rules soon. The only change is to the Sanctions part, in particular the cost of adding a Sanction. Now it works like this: By default, all Pledges have Sanctions of a total weight to their Tasks at no additional cost. However, you can modify this in two ways. Firstly, you can take lighter Santions, but each point difference from the weight of the Tasks costs an additional Glamour. Secondly, you can instead take a heavier Sanction to decrease the costs spent on the Tasks at the same rate. The restrictions on this is that you can't reduce the costs from Duration, you can't reduce the the total cost of the Pledge to 0 Glamour, and all Pledges must have at least a lesser Sanction.

Now, with that in mind, let's look at how the Pledge of Fealty actually works.
The Task involved in the Pledge is a Fealty task. For the current liege (one Montgomery de Vries), this is a pledge to allow the vassals to stay in the domain, and to offer the security and shelter to the best of his ability. For the vassals (everyone else), this is a pledge to offer their services to the freehold where needed, to not betray their fellow Changelings to the Fae and their servants, and to obey the laws of the freehold. This costs 3 Glamour for each party.
The Sanction is a Banishment Sanction. Should anyone break this Pledge, they are "banished" from the freehold's lands. This doesn't automatically remove them from the area, but it does mean that any supernatural protections they invoke will fail while within the freehold's borders, and anyone who attacks them or slays them will be rewarded. Because this is a Greater Sanction, it is equal in weight to the Task, and therefore costs nothing under the new rules.
Finally, the Duration is for one Season. This is literally three months, so the pledge will end after the first week of June, at which point the Summer King (or possibly Queen by that point, who knows what might happen?) takes the throne. Fortunately (or perhaps through clever planning...) this means the seasons line up reasonably well, with the first three months of the game covering Spring. A Seasonal Duration costs 3 Glamour.
As you can see, the total cost of this Pledge is 6 Glamour.

As a quick note, the Wyrd (essentially being the force of Fate) has a certain amount of Agency, and so typically when the conditions of a Pledge are broken, the Sanctions are immediately levied against the Oathbreaker. However, Pledges of Fealty are unusual in that they require the other party to be aware of the Oathbreaking, and to actually invoke the Sanction themselves. This allows Changelings to break the laws of a Freehold as long as nobody else find out - however it also means a liege can pardon a vassal of a crime if they wish.

So, now you should have a rough idea as to how Pledges work. Nonetheless, you should always have me with you when you make a Pledge with someone. It means I can guide you through the rules and make judgements on how the Pledge should work, and it means I know about the Pledge so I can tell if it gets broken.


I was in a rush preparing for last games, so some of you didn't get the rules your tokens worked out. However, they should all be ready by next game. I can't remember if I've explained this before, but due to the brief overview of how Tokens are described in the rules, here's the precise rules for activating a Token: Tokens all have the same cost to invoke. A character must either pay 1 Glamour or make a successful Wyrd test (not typically easy) or meet the Token's catch.

I've had a few questions about improving or acquiring tokens, so to clarify - It's possible to gain trifles (Tokens with a one-time use) through downtime actions, usually by hunting through the Hedge, but actual permanent Tokens will cost XP like other Merits. However, you'll also need to explain how you're going about getting/improving the Token in question. Mr. Wilde has already offered to several people to upgrade or make tokens in his Workshop - otherwise most characters will have to look deep in the hedge, experiment on their own or do some trading at a Goblin Market. Nonetheless, it will still cost XP. In these cases, it's the character receiving the Token that pays for it, not the person making it - the XP covers ownership of the token. However, if you wilfully give your Token away, those dots go to whoever you gave it to, free of charge.

Harvest Actions

I just wanted to mention something I forgot to say in my last post about this. You can't Harvest Glamour from emotions generated or strengthened through the use of Contracts. As far as faerie magic is concerned, those emotions are "fake." However, emotions inspired by the effects of Contracts can still work. For example, while creating fear through the use of Fleeting Autumn Contracts won't let you gain Glamour, covering yourself in Flame with Contracts of Elements might invoke fear in someone, and that fear will be genuine as far as creating Glamour is concerned.


I was light on this for the first game because I hadn't brought it up beforehand, but I'd like to make it official that if you want to bring a weapon, token or otherwise important item to game, you'll need an appropriate prop to represent it. Some items can be safely not worried about, but Weapons will definitely require you to have a prop to represent them, and will also require you to mention it to me beforehand, either in your downtime or at the start of the night. If in doubt as to whether you need a prop for something, ask me.

Armour can be acquired through downtime actions, and should be represented if possible. If it's something that would be too annoying to incorporate into your costume that's fine, but you'll still need to mention it to me and any obvious armour will be announced to everyone at the start of the night. If you show up wearing Riot Gear, people will notice.

Because it's not long before the next game I'll probably go easy on these rules for this game, but I still encourage you to bring something if you can, and I will ask everyone to clear any equipment their character is carrying with me at the start of the night.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and I'll see you all on Wednesday!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

A Sample Downtime

Here's a sample downtime to give you an idea on how to go about these things. It's pretty quick'n'dirty - some people put a lot more effort into theirs, but don't feel like you have to. In general I recommend just putting whatever details are important. If the downtime below actually contained the Heist that it seems to be leading up to then it'd have a lot more detail, with a few contingency plans in case things went wrong.

Player: Stuart
Character: Rocky Sloane
Actions: 6 (Willpower 4)
-Last game Brother Victor seemed to know a bit too much about my mob connections, so I'll watch him for a bit to see who he talks to and what he gets up to. I already know he works at a Pawn Shop on Forsyth Street, so I'll hide across the street and follow him as he leaves. I won't follow him inside buildings, as I'm less stealthy in public areas, but I'll stick around in case he comes out again.
-Javier wanted me to get some power tools for him, but as I'm broke I'll just look for a construction site and steal off with some when nobody's looking.
-Now that my mob allies have finally delivered the chemicals I was after, I'll start making some bombs with my Crafts (Explosives). I'll be doing this in my Hollow's Workshop, and store them in the Hollow until they're ready.
-In preparation for the upcoming heist, I'll also scout around in the sewers under the bank and look for any structural weaknesses.
-I've heard rumours of a strange pack of briarwolves roaming the Hedge, so I'll take a trip to investigate. I won't get too close, as I'm not equipped for a straight-up fight, but I'll see if there's any sign of what they're up to. Where are they gathering, and what for?
-I've been studying up on those books I got from Erika, so it's about time to raise my Occult from 1 to 2 (6xp).

Retainer Action: I'll send DeWolfe to meet with Alexandra, telling him to give her my apologies for not being able to meet in person, as I'm very busy. In reality I suspect it's a trap, and while DeWolfe isn't indespensible, he's better at handling himself in a fight and should be able to bust out of there if he has to.
Free Harvest Action: I'll stop by a Bread Line and harvest some sorrow from the unemployed standing in line.

Downtimes: A Guide

Downtimes are already covered by the Rules Document, but I'm explaining them here for a quick reminder and ease of reference for those new to the system.
Between each game, you get to submit a list of actions that you want to accomplish before the next game. This gives you a chance to do things that don't fit into a live-action game session, such as spy on players, acquire equipment, explore the hedge or follow up on plot leads. The maximum number of such actions you can submit is equal to your Willpower + 2 (with some exceptions).
Downtimes are initially due the Wednesday after each game. This means that the first downtimes are due Wednesday 14th. Anyone who gets their downtime in by midnight on Wednesday receives 2xp. If you still get your downtime to me by that Friday, you'll get 1xp instead. After that, you can still submit something and I'll try to process it, but if it comes in later than the weekend there's no guarantee it'll be processed (most likely I'll throw you a bone or two but some actions won't get through).
So, what can you accomplish with a Downtime Action? Here's some examples:
-Spending XP to improve your character. Each expenditure requires a separate action (unless you are improving the same thing more than once, such as taking a skill from 2 to 4), and should be accompanied by a brief explanation on how or why your character is improving in that area. For instance, increasing Allies could involve making some bribes, or just engaging in some smooth-talking, while increasing Athletics likely involves a physical workout.
-Tracking another character, or meeting with someone else to work together on something. If your downtime action involves another character helping out, make sure they mention it in their downtime too.
-Entering the Hedge. There are multiple reasons to do this, such as looking for Goblin Fruits, tokens, or asking the local Hobgoblins for information, but the Hedge can also be dangerous.
-Calling upon Allies or Mentors. A character may do this once without spending an action. After that, each action spent can be used for two actions involving Allies or Mentors. Each Ally or Mentor can only be used once each downtime. Retainers don't require actions to use, but each Retainer can only perform one action each downtime.
-Performing extended actions, such as Crafting and Research.
-Harvesting Glamour. Characters get one free Harvest Action each downtime, and get their Harvest dots in Glamour for free. However, additional actions may be spent to increase the amount of Glamour gained. For each Harvest action taken a character gets one Harvest draw, and takes the highest to determined how much Glamour they gain. To Harvest Glamour, a Changeling needs to find someone experiencing strong emotions. These emotions produce "Glamour" that the Changeling can absorb to fuel their magic. If the emotion is the one associated with that character's Court, then they receive +1 to their Harvest draws.  Only Mortal sources create Glamour (with the exception of some Goblin Fruits). The mortal and their emotions aren't actually affected by the harvesting, but if a character tries to harvest from the same source too often it may run dry.
Really minor things, like walking into a shop and buying something, don't use up an action. Include them as "minor actions."
In addition to your actions, feel free to include some notes about what's going on with your character. If you're plotting with another character or discovered something about someone else, it's useful for me to know. Also, if you're having any trouble with the game, you can let me know as well.

On top of all this, you should include a list of a handful of people you want to nominate for roleplaying XP. Each person nominated will receive 1xp (players only gain 1xp this way each downtime, no matter how many nominate them).

Sunday, 4 March 2012

First Game: Wednesday 7th March

In case you have forgotten, the first game will be this Wednesday from 6pm-10pm. The game officially begins from 7, but there'll be plenty to go through beforehand, so turn up earlier if you can.

If you haven't finished your character yet, you can still show up! You can play an NPC for the evening and still get XP for playing, which will go towards your character when you make it. Alternatively, you can bring along your unfinished character and I'll look at it before the start of the game. However, if you want a bit more to do, I recommend at least sending me your backstory and which backstory-relevant merits you are taking, so I can actually have stuff prepared for you.

This is the last time I'll be making posts about when the game is (except for if dates change from their usual pattern). From now on game dates and times will be posted in the heading description.

See you all at the first game!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

We have a forum!

We now have a forum for the game here. It's hosted by Diatribe, a forum run by NZLARPS (a New Zealand LARP Society). As the Lost In Manhattan forum is a subforum of Diatribe, remember that all of Diatribe's rules apply to this forum as well.

The forum has a main section for discussing the game, a subforum for In-Character Discussion, and private forums for each of the four Great Courts. My username on the Forums is Jangalian, and you can message or email me with who you are to get added to your appropriate forum. So sign up and start posting!

Character Creation Session 4: Friday 2nd March

Just a reminder that tonight is the last session for character creation. 6pm-10pm, Clubs and Socs Building, Room 2. If you want to make a character before the game begins, please turn up! I know some of you previously took your Character Creation Sheets home to work on them some more. Remember: Your character isn't finished until I've received it, so either turn up tonight or type it up and email it to me.

If you can't make it to Character Creation then you can try arranging another time, but to be honest I'm pretty busy at this point. The other option is to either download the rules and email me your character, or to play an NPC for the first night and make your character later.

Also, a quick reminder to those of you that have finished characters, please send me a brief background and a description of your character's appearance. I'm happy to fill in the gaps, but if you have a backstory in mind you should let me know.