Wednesday, 8 February 2012

The Plan (Preliminary Version)

So here's my current plan for dates, etc. All of this depends on being able to book rooms and work around other schedules. The goal is for the first game to be on Wednesday 7th of March. That leaves a couple of weeks beforehand for character creation. Unfortunately, Clubs 'n' Socs day is on Feb 22nd, which is right in the middle of when I'd like to make characters and potentially eliminates a very useful Wednesday.

So, the plan looks like this:

Fri 17 February - Character Creation Session 1
Wed 22 February - Clubs 'n' Socs Day 
Fri 24 February - Character Creation Session 2
Wed 29 February - Character Creation Session 3
Fri 2 March - Character Creation Session 4
Wed 7 March - First Game (with following games to be every fortnight)
(Edit: Dates updated. See above.)

Each session will be in the evening. This does assume that players are free on Fridays to make characters, so I'd appreciate feedback here: Will you be free on Fridays for character creation, or are you only free on Wednesdays?

If enough people can't make it to the Friday sessions I have 3 options: I can push to see if I can book a room on the night of Clubs 'n' Socs day, I can push the game start back a week (freeing up another week) or I can drive myself crazy trying to get the rules finished early and start the first session next Wednesday. If only a few people can't make it on Fridays, I'll likely keep the schedule as-is and simply request that those that can make it on Fridays do so. Once I've received some feedback and checked when I can actually book rooms I'll post up a finalised schedule.

ANYWAY thanks in advance to anyone who replies and I shall get you more firm dates ASAP.

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