Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Next Game: July 11th

Due to Uni holidays we're missing a week. Because of this, downtimes aren't due until July 4th.

At the game I said next game would be July 18th, but the 11th will be much nicer to my sanity.

I still need to send out XP totals, and a couple of downtimes to people who weren't there. I'll do this ASAP.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Downtime Deadline Extended to Friday 15th

Hey guys, there's a bunch of people that I still need to send DT results to. I'll get them out soon, but for fairness I'm extending the deadline this week to Friday - anyone who sends their DT in by midnight on Friday 15th will get the full 2xp. This applies to everyone, in case some DT actions need co-ordination between multiple people.